"Run the River Toward Something”: Scott Edward Anderson on Our True Connection with Nature

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We have lost touch with the natural world - but we can get it back through our senses - by  "diving deep/ into the soil and breathing it all in." Scott Edward Anderson's conversation with Susan explores the ideas behind his new book Dwelling: an ecopoem.

Scott Edward Anderson speaks the language of the earth. His new book Dwelling: an ecopoem encourages us to discover a more balanced relationship - an interrelationship - between human beings and the earth.

He urges us to “give back to the earth what is hers.” He reminds us that the earth doesn’t need us. She will be fine. We are the ones who need to adapt, change and have empathy for the earth. Scott’s beautiful book helps us begin to heal that fractured relationship.

Meet This Episode's Guest

Scott Edward Anderson

Scott Edward Anderson is the author of Dwelling: an ecopoem (Shanti Arts, 2018), Fallow Field (Aldrich Press, 2013), and Walks in Nature’s Empire (The Countryman Press, 1995). He has been a Concordia Fellow at the Millay Colony for the Arts and received the Nebraska Review Award. His work has appeared in the American Poetry Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Cimarron Review, The Cortland Review, Many Mountains Moving, TerrainThe Wayfarer, and the anthologies Dogs Singing (Salmon Poetry, 2011) and The Incredible Sestina Anthology (Write Bloody, 2013), among other publications. 

Anderson founded TheGreenSkeptic.com, which he wrote for ten years, worked for The Nature Conservancy from 1992-2007, and currently consults with conservation organizations and cleantech companies. He lives in Brooklyn, New York, with his wife, Samantha, and their blended family. Learn more about his work at ScottEdwardAnderson.com and connect with him on Twitter @greenskeptic

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