Activated & Present: A Fresh Perspective on Mindfulness Training with Paul Pitsaras
Our guest Paul Pitsaras (right), and Mitesh Raniga (left): cofounders of The Open Mind Institute
Coming to us from Brisbane Australia with good news about mindfulness is Paul Pitsaras of TOMI (The Open Mind Institute). "ACTIVATE YOUR POTENTIAL" is the slogan and a passion for self-development and helping others is the fuel that set Paul and his partner Mitesh Raniga on the road to create TOMI.
A lot of people are entrapped, stressed out, bombarded by technology and a world of instant gratification, their potential out of reach, or simply forgotten. TOMI wants to bring people the mental tools to help! Using core techniques such as critical thinking, mindfulness practice, resilience, emotional intelligence, metacognition and attention control, TOMI offers workshops, one-on-ones and Skype sessions.
Paul reminds us that mindfulness has now been scientifically proven to be effective, and it’s been in use for thousands of years. So between science and ancient history how can you not give it a try?
Meet This Episode's Guest
Paul Pitsaras
Paul completed double Bachelor degrees in Law and International Business in Brisbane before moving to London where he completed a legal practice diploma at the College of Law. Whilst in the UK, Paul was employed by a leading Chambers UK law firm where he was assigned to a number of high profile/ cost cases at trial across various jurisdictions.
Paul was admitted to practice in NSW in 2006 and has since held posts at the DPP, a number of reputable private practice firms in Melbourne and Brisbane (specialising in criminal & civil litigation) and a further 7 year post as a senior lawyer at the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, where he recurrently appeared across all Courts advocating on behalf of his clients.
In early 2014 Paul moved back to Brisbane returning to private practice as a senior civil litigation lawyer where he appeared in the Magistrates, District and Supreme Courts on a frequent basis. In his tenure as a lawyer Paul has managed and mentored junior lawyers and run training seminars and workshops to members of the profession, university students and bail justices.
In 2016 Paul co-founded The Open Mind Institute (TOMI) with a colleague from law school in light of their passion for bringing out the best in others. TOMI delivers presentations, workshops, one-on-one coaching and cutting-edge mental training (i.e. critical thinking, resilience, mindfulness, leadership & management training) to non-for-profits, educational institutions and professional services firms.
Check out The Open Mind Institute's website and
follow them on their Facebook page or on Instagram!