The Journey to Self-Worth and a Meaningful Life with Homaira Kabir

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“Knowing the answers and living the answers are two entirely different things.”

Coach, mentor, researcher, and writer Homaira Kabir is dedicated to getting people, particularly women, to question whether they are living their “ideal” life. In this episode, she and Susan have an in-depth discussion about self-worth and how it manifests into different types of confidence, Homaira’s own journey to become a student of humanistic psychology and a coach, and how we can own our feminine qualities and share these qualities with the world.

Meet This Episode's Guest


Homaira Kabir

Homaira is a women's leadership development coach and trainer who helps women win at work, live with joy and lead with grounded confidence. Her work is a dynamic blend of head and heart, where she brings 10+ years of professional experience, in-depth scientific knowledge and psychological research, and intuitive connection with her clients’ needs and aspirations.

She has a Master’s degree in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology, and her postgraduate research has been on women’s confidence and flourishing. Her free confidence quiz that will help you determine whether your confidence is grounded or fragile.

She also offers a monthly membership called Becoming to help women take their careers, confidence, leadership, and lives to the next level. She sees women as the natural leaders the world is waiting for, and is passionate about helping them rise to the challenges and responsibilities we face.

Photo Credit: Lisette Omoss

Visit Homaira’s website for more information!